With a large-scale RAID the North Rhine-Westphalian police, and a number of authorities on the night of Sunday, especially in the Ruhr area against clan-crime approach. Have been inspected in more than ten municipalities around Shisha Bars, betting offices, gaming halls and tearooms with clan related. In the case of traffic checks for illegal car races were moved in motorized sports car. Hundreds of officers were deployed.

The NRW state government is driving for over two years, a hard-line stance against clan crime. NRW-Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) said the evening of a “policy of a thousand pin pricks” and a “Zero-tolerance” strategy. A similar concerted action there had not been the beginning of 2019.

A focus on food was. There we went to the authorities, especially to combat crimes in connection with gambling. With success: In a back room of Internet cafes around, a room was discovered in the slot machines and tables were set up. The access to the room was hidden behind a locker. The police suspected that the devices were not logged in. In another Bistro in the same street, in the borough of Kray, the officers found three suspected illegal gambling devices, and a poker table. In total, were transported in five objects, nine units and a further twelve are condemning.

Four illegal street race in Essen

The Essen police President Frank judge believed that crime could be in connection with gambling “an important pillar of criminal Clans.” The range of possible offences for Generating high profits is very large. So, among other offences, of money laundering, tax evasion, illegal gambling, and blackmail set-Up of vending machines could be illegally established game devices, a role that he shared on Sunday morning.

Still forces in food found Civil made four illegal street racing. Four cars with an estimated total value of about 400,000 euros ensured, including a sports car to the value of 250,000 Euro. The fire brigade lock a hookah Bar because of too much smoke, a business office, a Club for infringement of the Corona-protection regulation. Two more companies had been closed due to breaches of Hygiene-protection provisions, reported to the police in the Morning. “The state looks the other direction and makes it clear that he is well-fortified,” said Essen’s mayor Thomas runners (CDU) in the case of a site visit.

In Duisburg, Germany, officials discovered a supposedly illegal game hall. You have been in an alleged tea-room, said a police spokesman. A total of 34,000 euros in cash, 19 slot machines and three kilos of Shisha tobacco were seized in the city of the Ruhr. Eleven shops were closed due to major violations of the Corona-protection regulation, said the police on Sunday.

Updated Clan-picture of the situation on Monday

“It is about showing those who make in the everyday life of these towns is uncertain: The is complete, you will get here every day unrest,” said the NRW Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU), during a visit to a site in Essen, Germany. It is the clear message was applicable: “the law of the family, but the law of the state shall not apply.” It was not small stuff, but a “major criminal acts”.