are deceiving The idyllic picture. In the evening light, the historic bathhouse is reflected in the residents of Bad Soden Kurpark in a water surface. Lovely this looks, as if specially for the sight of a pond created would have been. But the water area is not a pond, but a puddle, the remains of a Flood two hours before left.

Jan Schiefenhövel

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

On Friday afternoon, a violent storm about Bad Soden and some of the neighboring towns went down. So much fell in a short time, the rain, the channels were unable to absorb the precipitation, and the water had to be sought above ground, his way. The main axis of the Spa town, the king’s Steiner street, turned into a wide Creek. Anyone who went through it, to stand up to the knees in water. The old town was also flooded, and in the two city old grove parts, and new grove gathered in the Lower the water, the fire Department reported. Flooding due to heavy rain, there was also in Sulzbach, Kelkheim, Königstein and Kronberg.

you can’t fight against the water, has experienced Monika Hess, the owner of a Training Studio to the residents of Bad Soden, all of the street, a side street of the königsteiner Straße. The Studio “body shape” has you set up in the basement of a building, the front yard with the front door is almost a floor below street level. Only a small puddle appeared, but then it rained and the water squeezed into the training room, within minutes, it stood up to shoulder height. While the trainer told on the street in front of the house, run to the right, the pumps of the fire, sucking all the water out of the basement.

the healing springs to remain until Further notice

The volunteers have blocked all the road, in order to have space for your vehicles. The cellar of the neighboring houses to be pumped out. The hoses lead into the Gully, which can now swallow water again. To far more than 100 can be used alone in Bad Soden, the fire Department is in the evening and in the night with the pumping out of basements and garages, as city fire inspector Nick Oliver Kromer, this newspaper says. The use it lasts about 16 hours, the drive to Defend to be supported by firefighters from Hochheim, Schwalbach and Eschborn.