The Belarusian President, Aleksandr Lukashenka, has announced the installation of a unit of the air forces on the Western border of the country. Lukashenka also said on state television that he had agreed to a cooperation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Belarusian news Agency Belta was quoted Lukashenka shortly before, with the words, Putin says Belarus in case of need help. “We have agreed with him: On our first Request, will be provided comprehensive assistance to ensure the safety and security of the Republic of Belarus.” In addition, the President, Nato had criticized military exercises in Poland and Lithuania, to Belarus, to the West.

The EU had brought in on Friday sanctions against those persons in Belarus, which will be made for the alleged falsification of the presidential election on Sunday and the suppression of protests in the days that followed responsible. An EU Diplomat had said in the run-up to, you had to exert pressure on Lukashenka, to drive him into the arms of Russia. The protests against Lukashenka in Belarus has continued also on Saturday.

With a minute of silence, thousands of people in Minsk reminds one of the protesters who came for the protests in Belarus lost their lives. Many laid on Saturday in the capital city of flowers and lit candles to see how in Videos in channels of the news service Telegram was. Some knelt in the vicinity of the accident site near the centre of the city and stopped for a moment. The place resembled a sea of Flowers. Many called for the resignation of President Aleksandr Lukashenka.

This help from abroad, refused to mediate in the conflict on Saturday and sought contact with the Russian President Vladimir Putin who had congratulated him in writing of his election victory.

Both had expressed the hope for a quick end to the tensions that informed the Kremlin then. The Situation should not be of the “destructive forces”, whose objective was “to damage the cooperation between the two countries in the framework of a Union state”.

The telephone call, the concern fired, that Lukashenka Moscow may have the military aid asked. The Lithuanian foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius wrote on Twitter: “The former President of Belarus is now asking Putin for help. Against whom? Against own people, with flowers on the streets?“

the trigger for the protests against the Regime was the massive allegations of forgery overshadowed the presidential election last Sunday. The election Commission had awarded Lukashenka 80.1 percent of the vote. Many people in the former Soviet Republic have serious doubts as to the result.