It is a daunting task, the Department of education expects the teachers to the 28 Offenbacher schools. We want you to call since Thursday to at the beginning of School on Monday, if possible, the parents of all your students and you about the Corona-protection rules inform. The educators need to teach the parents in case of an emergency, your children are under all circumstances at home under a quarantine if you have been on vacation in a Corona-risk area and no negative Test can show. And you need to make the parents realize that you are sensitive to penalties if you knowingly rules contrary to act.

Strenuous talks. The holiday hopefully successful recovery, the teachers will soon be gone. Because it is hardly to be solved to reach the parents of the more than 14,000 students in Offenbach schools at all in time. From educators circles to hear that a Move of the school starts would be most useful. What relates to the day-care centres, it is likely to be for the educators to a no less delicate task, to interrogate in the Morning the parents of the children and to refuse in the event of an emergency admission.

Complicated terms and conditions under extreme time pressure

eye-catching announcements, such as, who have only a “brat”, should still come, as they gave the social Secretary of state Anne Janz (Green) at the Best, sound nice, trivialized the situation, but through negligence. Because “the brat” should be a warning sign. Only if parents are not able to prove that your child was in a Corona-risk area, and no contact to a Corona-patients, it should be for the classes approved. The situation is not so simple and Offenbach, with its population structure 159 nationalities have to deal with the complicated conditions under extreme time pressure. The city does what is in their Power. But that is not much.

The Whole is also not easier to understand, if just in schools, the mandatory rules to avoid a Corona-infection on the Outside masks a duty, on the inside are neither distance nor masks – from short-term exceptions. How to be the non-educational categories of thinking part of the population in the Rest of the requested and necessary safety precautions taught?