Who wants to drag off their scientific publications and published books and sheet music, including various exhibition catalogs at once, has heavy wear: diligence and Output of a music publicist and researcher Ulrike Kienzle are great. The first sought a career as a full Professor at the Goethe University has not made the lecturer after many years as a Professor there, ultimately, but in Frankfurt and the surrounding area as a freelance music researcher from the service.

Guido Holze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

In recent years, Kienzle has placed in your journalistic work on topics with a local reference. So, she curated 2019, the exhibition “Clara Schumann – A modern woman in Frankfurt in the 19th century. Century“ at the Institute for the history of the city. For the Schumann-year 2010, you had the castle on behalf of the Frankfurter bürgerstiftung in the wooden house and the Schumann-Gesellschaft with the artist couple Robert and Clara Schumann, as well as their relations to Frankfurt. Comprehensively, such as their 207-page volume on the subject is evidenced, in comparison to Kienzles later writings in the publishing of the citizens Foundation, but still compact.

she was Born 1960 in Wiesbaden, Germany as the daughter of musically, not pre-loaded parents. But it was for music has always been very receptive, told Kienzle. As a teenager, she came by her own initiative to make classical music more. Because for the was interested at that time in your school, a secondary school in Groß-Gerau, no one else. As a kind of awakening experience Kienzle describes a visit to the Frankfurt Opera. She was 14 years old when she saw “die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” by Richard Wagner, and at the end of the magnificent prelude had the feeling that the curtain had risen, to the rest of her life.

music as a “transformative experience”

the age of 16, and thus relatively late-she began to play the piano. She read Goethe and Shakespeare and wanted to be a dramaturg, to be able to other people to explain “why me, music has fascinated so”. Particularly attracted she felt to the works of Richard Wagner. He was developing as a Poet-composer, “archetypes of being human” and connect philosophical thought with the “overwhelming force” of his music, as well as with Text and scene again and again to be an intellectual adventure.

What are the messages behind or in the music plugged in, have you always been curious about especially. This could be for you to sadness, joy, Leave, or transcendence to go. For each, the inlets that could be a musical experience is a “transformative experience”. After a further formative experience of this kind at the Wagner festival in Bayreuth, where Kienzle saw the “century Ring” in the staging by Patrice Chéreau, she began in 1979 at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt to study modern German literature in the main compartment, as well as music, science and philosophy in the minor subjects. Her master’s thesis dealt with Schopenhauer’s influence on Wagner’s “Parsifal”, a theme released Kienzle other publications, as well as her Habilitation on “Religion and philosophy in Richard Wagner’s music dramas”, which appeared in 2005.

experience with Yoga

your employment with Wagner and Schopenhauer, the early Sanskrit high culture and Buddhism, came Kienzle to Yoga. Anyone who enters their name into an Internet search engine, launches immediately on photos, and the pages you identify as an experienced teacher with a private Studio. About the healthcare training in addition to their Yoga, the self of experience is important, she says, to experience the oneness and the wholeness of being human. “Sounding Nirvana” is the name of a music understanding of the typical essay, which deals with the “suspension of time” in Wagner’s “Tristan” and “Parsifal”. Appeared he was in a Band on the topic of “Wagner and Buddhism”.