The baby boomers are getting old: In Germany, more people go into retirement each year. In the past year, approximately 816.000 Insured have received, for the first time an old-age pension from the statutory pension insurance. The Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, the F. A. Z. said in Berlin. In comparison to the year 2018, the increase was roughly 4.1 percent. “The increase is mainly due to the demographic, because more occupied vintages are retired,” explained the pension insurance. Around 21 million pensioners live in Germany now.

Kerstin Schwenn

business correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

the most common pension 2019 approved the so-called rule old-age pension. Here are the age limit for those born in 1954 and last year, 65 were 65 years and 8 months. This pension is received about 357.000 New pensioners. To 2018, there was an increase of around 5.1 percent. “This increase is mainly due to the fact that a majority of female Insured persons, who have acquired, through the further crediting of child-raising periods of six months per child with a birth prior to 1992, for the first time, for a Pension,” it said. The expansion of the mothers ‘ pension had decided on the black-red coalition at the beginning of the parliamentary term.

An old-age pension for the longterm Insured persons have received in the past year, for the first Time, around 152,000 members. In 2018, this pension type was taken from around 145,000 Insured for the first time, 4.7 percent less than in 2019. This pension, at the earliest, from Reaching the age of 63. In the second year of life is paid; it is connected with financial discounts. Prerequisite an insurance period of 35 years.

Also “pension at 63” is more often claimed

the number of those who benefit from the 2014 introduced “pension at 63”, continues to rise. In the previous year 253.000 got Insured after 45 years of insurance for the first time, a deduction-free old-age pension for especially long-term Insured. In 2018, there were approximately 244,000 from about 4 percent less. The age limit for the deduction-free “pension at 63” increases gradually from 63 to 65 years. It is, for example, for the cohort of 1956, the last year was 63 years old, 63 years and 8 months. The rest of the pension receipts is attributable to old-age pension for the severely disabled, the old-age pension for long-term underground Workers, the outlet end of the age pension for women old-age pension due to unemployment or old-age part-time work.

The average age at which an Insured person for the first time, an old-age pension has been based, was most recently men and women in approximately 64 years. Many have long stood a little from the rest: The average duration of insured pensions, was most recently in the case of men and 18.1 years and 21.8 years for women. For 2019, the increase in life expectancy is to be expected, in view again of a small increase. The development is striking: about 50 years Ago, the men in the cut in relation to 10.5 years in retirement, women about 13 years.