Zhang Pan Looks on the laboratory bench, he sees what holds the modern world together. The polymer scientist, 24 years ago, born in the North-Western province of Shaanxi, where the Imperial terracotta army stands in your pit, and explored art materials. Inside of which are thousands of tiny molecules to each other bearings and, for example, make cars stable and yet so easy, that a clean, but weak electric motor is capable of this for a thousand kilometers around, without reloading.

Hendrik Ankenbrand

business correspondent for China, based in Shanghai.

F. A. Z.

molecules can also be separated. It only needs a Laser that cuts the connection. So there is Zhang these days. The Planet on which he is at home, breaks down into two worlds: In one, the Chinese have no access, in the other, China has to Say.

In Zhang’s life plan was not intended that it be so. After the Sichuan University, in which he has his degree finished, he wanted to fours to one of the American universities promo, which offered him a scholarship. In the United States, the best plastic scientists in the world to teach. However, in the spring, Zhang has found the name of his Alma Mater Sichuan in the “Entity List,” again, created by the Washington Department of Commerce. The black list, under the cooperation with 158 Chinese universities, companies and private individuals, says. Why the Sichuan University is one of them, is unclear. Maybe it has to do with nuclear weapons, China’s military allegedly being developed near the University.

Huawei instead of America

Also, the Chinese technology group Huawei on America’s black list. On the company’s campus in Shenzhen, Zhang is now working. The Plan with the doctoral scholarship in America, he has put on the ice, he has a very legitimate concern, to get a visa. Instead, he designs now for Huawei “wearable devices”. Fitness bracelets, for example, of which it is not clear, where they may later be sold. Anywhere in the world? Or only in the Chinese sphere of influence as back during the Cold war, as the Soviet Lada 2101 was outside of the Soviet bloc, only available in the UK, the nickname “penny” because of its low price of 979 pounds and easy to be repaired the Motor not a few lovers found?

During his studies in China, Zhang Pan for Huawei interested in actually never. But since then, America has begun, the company shoot with sanctions broken, he feels a Patriotic duty. The group invest a lot in the development without the technology company of China, research will be destroyed landscape. A friend has pushed him to the point, it is what has introduced to Zhang. However, the salary is good. He would always do research even better, maybe at the Max-Planck-society in Germany. “Or a good University in China.”

it Defines the China-friendly-minded part of the world on the basis of the countries that want to join in, according to Beijing’s figures for China’s foreign policy initiative “belt and road”, to count as of today, 138 countries. It is a stain on the map of the world, bale, especially in the East and South of the earth.