For two consecutive accidents in a total of five people have been seriously injured. This Gaffer triggered on Friday evening in the second accident, such as fire and rescue services. The first accident occurred in the direction of Wiesbaden between the connection point Äppelallee and the schiersteiner Kreuz. A Car overturned and a Person was put in the car seriously injured to the hospital.

During the rescue, another serious accident occurred on the opposite direction at the same height. According to the assessment of the fire service this was caused by the Gaffer. In the case of the rear-end collision three cars together drove a total of. The Person in the middle of the car was brought in the accident seriously injured to a hospital. A total of five injured people were taken to Wiesbaden-based hospitals.

In All, five fire brigade vehicles were cars, seven rescue, three emergency vehicles and the use of line rescue service. This also includes rescue car and emergency physicians from the surrounding counties on alert. The closures 643 long traffic jams in both directions formed on Friday evening on the highway.