This man destroys nature With the means of ester technology has become Johann Gottfried Tulla from Wild shaping arable Land for the benefit of the people. Not the earth, but a river makes the engineer in the order of the Grand Duke of Baden in subjection by noise forces, the merciless unpredictability, then, at the end of water of Germany’s biggest electricity from meandering loops in a on the drawing Board pre-signed bed. Eighty kilometres of its length, the Rhine is to lose until 1862, between Basel and Bingen, he is faster flowing, deeper, dig, and better navigable. Instead of villages or Islands are continued raging flood, and to fear the Malaria from the riparian forests, will grow in the coastal behind dams on the canalised river fruit, safe trade and change can drive and your prosperity.

Ursula Scheer

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

Thus, a heroic epic from the end of the age of enlightenment, about the sunset the clouds of smoke of the steam winding machines of the industrial Revolution, bear witness to is. Science and technology promise the taming of the forces of nature that threaten the people and subjugate. The fits to the politically revolutionary climate in which men such as Napoleon Bonaparte, history and freedom fighters are violent conqueror.

angry against soldiers

In the Arte and SWR co-produced docu-Fiction “The flow Builder – How to Tulla on the Rhine” appears to be straightened of 1770 in Karlsruhe-born title of hero, sometimes even like a little Napoleon: and the horse he commanded promoted to the rank of an officer, no army of soldiers but an army gedungener farmers with Shovels and wheelbarrows. At Knielingen in 1817, the first is set by random into the factory: through the of a Rhine loop reflowed the country, workers digging a narrow channel, in the next, the river mills. The knee linger, in the re-enactment of the true enfant terrible, fight back. You don’t want reasons to see your Fields and pastures on the other side on the Pfalz, and they fear – rightly – to your fish. “The Rhine does not belong to you, it belongs to all of us”, call. Soldiers break the resistance with violence. There were Dead or injured? Called Tulla: “don’t shoot”?

All of this is not, as so much passed down from the life of the water engineer. By Peter Bardehle faithfully staged scenes with the father-son Team, Steffen Schroeder and Karl Leven Schroeder as older and younger Tulla can’t obscure the fact that we know about the private man Tulla nothing, except that he remained a bachelor, with his country, the rulers of the money over and theatre comedies not averse to rail. Nevertheless, the game manages to the Film by constantly shifting between interviews with experts and look to give an idea of the historical context and a people who thought big and his the whole of Baden in tax revenue a year, devouring a mammoth project Lasting created: the basis for this is that the Rhine as a main artery for inland navigation in Europe is pulsating and its secured Banks, ports grow up and industries were able to gain a foothold.

We know where everywhere on the continent the son of a pastor Tulla, with a scholarship of the Duke equipped, surveying technology, water – and mining-studied – and what a decisive influence the Imperial France, the Grand Duchy of Baden for a long negotiated to him had. No Rhine straightening without the in Paris, established the uniform level of the Meter or Tullas horizon extension of the brand new École polytechnique, says the documentation. It is also a promotional film for the neighbouring country as a place of technical innovations. The straightening of the of Napoleon as a border river target flow offered significant advantages in the divorce from here and There: A channel draws a clear line, a, km continuously variable wide wild river is a cartographic and thus a geopolitical nightmare.