In the photo scene, is vehement criticism of the picture Agency Magnum, according to the. Occasion photographs by the Magnum photographer David Alan Harvey in the archive of the renowned Agency. An author of the photography-news page, “Fstoppers” had discovered the pictures from the year 1989, for thirty years licences acquired could be in the database. The motifs are part of the series “Bangkok Prostitutes” of the American photo-journalist Harvey. Show shady and seedy places in the city frequented by sex tourists and prostitutes are with customers from the West in night clubs, some of them half-naked. Special kick-off attracted a motif that illustrates from the perspective of the photographer, a girl who approaches the seated viewer.

Elena Witzeck

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

Among the listed search terms, the words “prostitutes”, “Boobs” and “teenage girl” – found the research of “Fstoppers”, according to a further clue that it was in the case of the photographed sex workers are minors. The Magnum archive contains various pictures of the young prostitutes that had been photographed without their consent, writes the author of the text.

in-Depth testing

On the criticism of the Magnum put out first in the Bangkok series out of the System. Since Friday, the entire database is offline. On the Website Magnum has released President Olivia Arthur’s opinion. “We are taking the case very seriously,” it States. The archive material will be subjected, with external support, an in-depth examination to understand the “meaning of the works in the archive, both in terms of their visual language as well as their context,” completely. The world of photography to move to a Phase of self-reflection in which new and different images will look. There was still much to do.

Arthur also drew attention to the role of a photographer, the reports documenting the end of the world. For 75 years, their colleagues were on their way to a political and social record and comment. In this time, had developed Standards. Questions and points of dispute that were previously overlooked, would now need to be addressed. The process of testing will take a while.