The digitization of school education was already in front of the Corona pandemic is a permanent issue. However, due to the crisis in the practice test all of a sudden, so that all Participants experienced the successes and failures directly. Although the motto is now “return to classroom”, but the theme will remain and with it the diverse requirements of a digital education world.

Benjamin Fischer

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Under the title, “The Anywhere School” held by the technology company Google last week now-of course, digital – an international discussion on the experiences of the crisis should go. With Anneli Head of Innonvation Unit Rautiainen, “” the national Agency for education and training in Finland, stand here a representative of the country on the list, enjoying in digital education a good reputation. Also it was only once shocked, as at 18. March, all the schools were closed. However, in Finland, we have rapidly identified that the schools in need of help, so the Learning goes on.

“The teachers have organised themselves quickly and materials and shared experiences,” says Rautiainen. Finally, it should not have been worked before the crisis to the same degree everywhere digital. I also helped the already before the crisis developed the concept of a “Tutor-teacher”. Such had now been to almost every school in Finland. Those who hold this Position, teaching part of the week, on a regular basis. In the rest of the time he acts as a teacher for the other teachers, he will assist the College in working with digital methods and in their use.

“schools must be learning communities to be”

In the Wake of the crisis, not least, the exchange between teachers, students and parents increased, so Rautiainen: “I think the parents have learned, the teachers a little more respect, and the teachers could see how children at home with their parents to learn.” Your tip for the future: together on innovations work. The teaching profession had long been a pretty lonely, but “schools must be communities of learning,” says Rautiainen, and it need courage to experiment. The only way to see what works.

Rautiainens findings could also be in Germany for a long time from the relevance. Because even if in the coming weeks in all of the länder, the schools re-open: Corona(suspected)cases have already lead some to occasional closures, for example in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Straight students from socially weaker layers is missing in the case of further distance education at home, however, often simply a device to the Video-lessons to attend or on learning platforms are working. And, of course, it needs in addition to suitable offers, with which both teachers and students can work around.