First Corona came, then pulled out the refurbishment work is longer than I thought. But now everything has to go quickly. Catherine Waschbüsch, in light blue summer pants, a black T-Shirt, her hair in a bun put, is in the Stress. For the evening you had to get Personal. The wooden deck is screwed. And the white Ceilings to the tables. Only a few more hours, then the heart of the project, in the you so much work put opened on Friday evening: from the ground up and renovated Bar at the Schwedlersee.

Alexander jürg’s

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The natural idyll is located in the East of Frankfurt, between Hanauer landstraße and commercial port. Waschbüsch, which is called by all “Sunny”, is the new leaseholder of the premises. “I know of no more beautiful place in Frankfurt,” she says. To miss the Restaurant in your own handwriting, the a life is a dream.

A light-weight heritage Waschbüsch, who has worked in Hanau for many years as a restaurant Manager and also Techno parties organized not to occur in the process. Because the Bar on the lake has developed in the past years one of the most extraordinary nightlife destination in the city. Hipsters, artists and people from the creative industry, made a pilgrimage regularly to the East. If, on the wooden veranda of the “Lazy”parties were celebrated, in which the disc jockeys were a wild mix of Soul, Reggae and hip-hop, were the people early in the evening, snake. As had spoken in the scene around, that the contract with the long-term lessee of the premises should not be extended, many were disappointed.

rehabilitation for 70,000 Euro

The man-made lake that was originally supposed to be another basin of the osthafen area, belongs to a club: the 1891 founded the First swimming club. For 100 years now, the lake is used as a Clubbad. Swimming only members of the Association, the Local open, but a long time for anyone to be allowed to go there. 70,000 euros, the club has invested in its renovation, including the Material required for the conversion were bought new wood for the terrace and new electrics. The actual Work were so extensive, that you have taken the best part of two months longer than planned, has done Waschbüsch with your Team. Because of the reconstruction delay, start now, so late in the summer season.