What is the Symbol of the crisis? At the very beginning, it was the knobbly, bright green representations of the Virus, which appeared suddenly everywhere. But now the little monsters are more and more. The mask, pardon: the mouth-nose protection, has displaced them. Recently, it is excessive even to the Symbol of the resistance. But only if it is not worn.

Under the Wutbürgern who do not believe in the danger of Corona, it is as a glorious feat, not to create unquestionably uncomfortable thing rich. Either you don’t actually believe that you will endanger others, or you don’t care. That is, if you are not using the coverings in the transport, therefore, the fines must pay, can I find a good decision. For me, the mask is much more than a Nuisance – a sign of solidarity.

at the time of the Lockdown, there was for a few brief moments of yet another icon, the man saw often: a rainbow. And in addition, the spell level: Everything will be fine. Children had painted with colored pencils, the parents have him glued to the outside visible from the Window of the apartment. This hopeful Symbol was to me the dearest. We bring it back into everyday life. And, we hear, at last, to grieve us about the masks.