littered The city. You littered at their most beautiful places, in front of the Old Opera, but also in the countryside, for example, on the Nidda, in Nied. And this is not only in Frankfurt. The social phenomenon of total selfishness and complete heedlessness of view, the consequences of the Corona-pandemic of all places is still evident. The old Teenage Motto, that someone will clean up after me, has shifted completely in the public space. And there, it is probably completely uncool, if it cleans up the stuff you leave behind after staying in the Outdoors as a waste, then.

If you get caught in the process by which plastic bottles and pizza boxes in green plants, that costs money: 55 Euro will be due, at least in Frankfurt. Much too little, no question. But Hand on heart: does anybody Know at all? Violations are punishable in a significant number? No, obviously not. And anything would be different if the penalty would be increased to 100 euros or more? Probably not. Simpler and more understandable guidelines for the punishment of the so-called “Littering” would not be a bad thing, and possibly also increased penalties are not a mistake. But betting on a comprehensive behaviour change would want to complete after that, probably no one.

Because the Problem lies much deeper. It has to do with a fundamental attitude to one’s own behavior in Public, with the lack of appreciation of other people and the simultaneous maximization of self-interest. And so it is in these cases, psychologically, no Problem at all, verbally committed to climate protection, at the same time, but its garbage in the environment is a bunch of lie. Not as long as the friends start on each other such misconduct to the attention of and, in contrast to the previous perception as a totally uncool to brand, nothing will change. Like everything in life, it is about mindfulness in dealing with each other. It would be nice if this would be taught in homes, but also, of course, of the representatives of public life, come back stronger and all the parties Involved, then more lived in. More trash can only help if one occurs his previous anti-social behaviour in the ton.