The struggle for employee representation, the Smartphone Bank, N26 goes to the next round. After on Thursday for the nearly 400 employees of the N26 Operations GmbH, a choice Board was elected, was elected on Friday for the N26 GmbH is a choice Board of Directors This is required for the subsequent election of the works Council. However, the Management of the N26 had issued against both events injunctions. For the first event, she obtained a restraining order against the six initiators of the meeting in Berlin’s hofbrÀuhaus. The trade Union Verdi stepped in as the organizer.

Franz Nestler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

For Friday obtained N26 a restraining order against Verdi. Here, the IG Metall stepped in as organizer. The crowd was even larger than on Thursday, when 50 workers were at the event, such as “Finance Forward” reported. So, it was even called the police to the venue, to check the security arrangements. By whom, remained unclear. This would have at least had nothing to complain about. Officially, the injunction, according to a spokesman from N26 to the lack of the concept of Hygiene, however, both words as well as actions of the management speak.

The charge had already known from the Meeting, however, never expressed its concerns to the injunction. In addition, a first E-Mail of the management is that a works Council “against all the values we believe in at N26” would be. In a message from Friday, it said: “a trade Union (IG Metall) is trying to interfere with a fair, well-planned choice of an electoral Board for works Council at N26.” It was also carried short, just to the first Assembly, a parallel Meeting. It should go to an alternative employee representation, it said. This should then be the same for all markets and not only for Germany. In addition, we believe that the legislature, for too long.