In the municipality of Kupferzellim, baden-württemberg, Hohenlohe district have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, 3.9 Times more inhabitants with the Coronavirus known than in the past. This was the result of the study “Corona Monitoring Locally” of the Robert-Koch Institute, whose first results were presented on Friday morning. Overall, were detected in 7.7 percent of the total 2203 participants in the study antibody. “The number of the study cases is significantly higher than the number of previously known and reported cases,” said project Manager Claudia Santos-Hövener. Women are affected more often than men. 16.8 percent of the cases were asymptomatic lost, in the other cases, the respondents had noticed at least one of the eight queried symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath.

Julia Anton

editor in the Department of society FAZ.NET

F. A. Z.

With 28.2 percent of the adult study participants had been tested prior to the study a positive effect on the Coronavirus, have no antibodies were detected. “However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no immunity,” says Santos-Hövener. Active cases were not detected during the study. The investigation had the RKI between the age of 20. May and 6. June carried out. Copper cell has a little more than 6000 inhabitants.

The results are only representative for the municipality of Kupferzell, – said the head of the project. They didn’t let on to other communities or even the Federal transfer. Nevertheless, the study could answer questions, such as “for example, the causes for dynamic infection to happen, the means of Transmission, risk groups, or the impact of the measures implemented to curb”.

in Total, will be examined in the context of the study “Corona Monitoring Locally” four particularly affected communities, the expected high – more than 500 infections per 100,000 inhabitants confirmed were reported. Per municipality of each of the 2000 people interviewed, blood samples and a revenge smear taken. The results should give an indication of how high the proportion of the population that had contact with the Coronavirus, how high the dark figure proportion as well as the proportion of asymptomatic infections.

47 deaths in a circle

The Hohenlohe district was in March, particularly from the Coronavirus affected, said district administrator Matthias Neth (CDU). A Hotspot is an event on 1. March had been in the municipality of Kupferzell. The Hohenlohe district was the County with the most confirmed corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants in Baden-Württemberg. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the circle was one of 798 cases of infection, including 117 cases in the copper cell, and 47 deaths. The currently six active cases in the circuit are due to travellers returning.

The RKI is currently investigating also the people in the town of Bad Feilnbach in Bavaria, in September, a study in Straubing to start. What community is examined as the fourth is still pending. Subsequently, a nationwide study to follow.

“are Such studies important to the Virus Sars-CoV-2, and the associated disease Covid-understand 19,” said RKI-Vice-President Lars, what a pity. Could have been the start of the survey, there have been no active cases in the copper cell. The show that the Virus could be contained, so what a pity. In order to prevent a new wave of Infection, not bodies, a share of just eight per cent of people with anti but enough, especially since it is not clear whether the number of antibodies is sufficient for immunity against the Virus. To protect against infection, what a pity referred again to the AHA rules (spacing, Hygiene, everyday mask) and advised to refrain from private parties and travels.