to prevent that you will be listened to by the police, put criminal organizations not only on modern encryption, but also on short distances. Information about illegal activities, will be passed without many intermediate stations as directly as possible. How to disrupt this flow of information effectively and a criminal organization can make in order to be incapacitated, has been researched by a Team of Lucia Cavallaro of the University of Derby on the basis of network analyses.

David Klaubert

editor in the Department “Germany and the world”.

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For their study, titled “Disrupting resilient criminal networks through data analysis: The case of Sicilian Mafia”, which appeared in the journal “Plos One”, evaluated, the researchers warrants, which were issued in 2007 against members of the Cosa Nostra families Mistretta and Batanesi. Thanks to extensive telephone surveillance, and shading the Sicilian investigators were able to show at the time, among other things, that the mobsters had the regional construction industry is infiltrated.

The researchers summarized the mafia clans now as the social networks with different influence members of the rich – or network-formulated technical: node. They analyzed the police documented calls and Meetings, to find out how the Central node of a criminal network can best identify with.