Bolivia has not taken hold since the cancelled election last October and the forced resignation of President Evo Morales. On The Contrary. After months of apparent calm of the Andean state, is back on the brink of Chaos. Since the days of the radical followers of the exiled Morales and various organisations, led by the largest Union, the country in a stranglehold. Dozens more cities have cut off the blockages from the supply. In some places of the fuel. The drinking water is scarce, and food prices continue to rise. The medical supply is at risk in some places. So the army needs to transport much-needed oxygen for the treatment of Corona patients by air.

Tjerk Brühwiller

a correspondent for Latin America with headquarters in São Paulo.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the occasion of the protests is a decision of the Supreme election court, the elections was to move another Time. The ballot was originally scheduled for may, was postponed due to the pandemic, however, at the beginning of September and mid-October. Morales’ “movement toward socialism” (MAS) is believed that this is a political manoeuvre by the government of transitional President Jeanine Añez, the commencement of the elections. Since surveys see currently, the MAS candidate and former Minister of economy, Luis Arce in the lead, it is of the transitional government, in truth, to stall for time and to remain in Power, the MAS and the trade unions. They call for the conduct of the election as originally planned at 6. September. A dialogue between the Supreme electoral Tribunal and the trade unions failed and resulted in a withdrawal claim against Añez.

citizens Committee against farmers

The conflict has led to seeds in the past days of violence. Radical groups with close ties to the so-called citizens Committee, opposed to the farmers and trade unionists, the blockages dissolve. In the case of confrontations in some towns, several persons were injured. The conflict has also brought Luis Fernando Camacho back on the Plan that is in the last year, at the top of citizens ‘ protests, and also on the list of presidential candidates. In an open letter, Camacho calls, Añez should discipline the trade unions””. If you are the MAS under the throw and not the resolution ordering the blocks, see he forced the people to call, “to protect democracy and the lives of Bolivians,” wrote Camacho.