On a New – but differently than planned until a year later on the new fixed date 31. October 2021. On Tuesday, the Frankfurt Marathon this year at the 25. October was supposed to take place, as expected, been canceled. The Corona pandemic, the organiser motion events GmbH, the state of Hesse and the city of Frankfurt agreed, have left the organizers with no other choice. On a 42 km route through a big city “, we can capture impossible the contact details of hundreds of thousands of spectators,” said race Director and company Director Jo Schindler, the F. A. Z. “That was the whole point, and the event has put the kiss of death.”

The corona-related contact and limit regulation of the state of Hessen Operation restricts the orientation of large-scale events to 31. October, due to several requirements and conditions a. “We have until the end of solutions and Alternatives wrestled. Now, we must realize soberly that the cancellation is unavoidable,“ said Schindler.

login portal for viewers?

The 39. Edition of the oldest German city marathon will now come on the last day of October 2021 for the staging – if the pandemic situation and the framework conditions at this time. With regard to the possible contact data collection from spectators at the track, “we do now, of course, the first Considerations as to how we can take in the coming year, with a larger lead time of around 15 months in attack”. More to the point, the race Director would not comment, however, because he did not wish to anticipate the discussions of the policy and the competent authorities in advance. The solution could contribute to the information of the F. A. Z. is a login portal for viewers with personalized data. This would stay in cordoned-off areas with appropriate intervals on the Stick and could be captured in this manner to the in – and outputs. This project is now on its feasibility tested.

The economic loss due to the cancellation of the marathon, Schindler could not put a figure on Tuesday. He will first hold discussions with the partners and sponsors. “Legally, we have certainly no claim. But it is still possible to make a support on a voluntary Basis,“ he said. In addition, the organizer offers the 7000 athletes who had registered to sign-in stop for the respective competitions, a voucher solution with a processing fee.

This coupon solution is for the next three years, stressed Schindler. “The question now will be whether all participants involved.” Financial security a granted credit of his Bank gives him and his company in any case “in the mid six-digit range. Economically, we can start with a calmed Situation in the coming year. There is no existence of risk is now“.