Before the school start in North Rhine-Westphalia the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) has defended the controversial mask of duty in the classroom for students from the fifth grade. “We just have to be these days especially careful”, said Laschet on Tuesday with reference to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the last significant increase in Corona-infection numbers. As the only state to initially be until the end of August, temporary mask of duty in the classroom at all secondary and professional image is there with the start of School on Wednesday schools. Elementary school students must wear in the classroom, however, no masks.

The North Rhine-Westphalia schools Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) reiterated on the last day of the summer holidays, the temporary obligation to wear a Mask, too, while teaching a “purely a precautionary measure” to protect the health of students and teachers. It was due to the “current infection happened,” said Gebauer in Düsseldorf.

Saxony decided against in view of low infection required for students to pay on a comprehensive Mask. Schools should be able to at the beginning of the school year at the end of August, a mask is mandatory even they are in the order of the Saxon Ministry of culture announced. A commitment to not. An appropriate arrangement shall apply from the 31. August, the first day of the new school year, and is up to 21. February 2021 limited. The Dresden Ministry of culture, however, encourages teachers and students to Wear a mouth-nose cover outside of the classroom.

“school must remain a safe place to be”

In lower Saxony holds the FDP faction of the lower Saxony state Parliament, with increasing Corona-infection figures, a mask is mandatory in the classroom from the fifth grade, for to imagine. The Wearing of a protective mask is a possibility of the operation of the school even with rising infection numbers to maintain said faction Deputy Björn Försterling on Tuesday in Hanover. Group chief Stefan Birkner stressed: “The school must remain a safe place.”

Försterling also, for a flexible start of the academic year 2020/2021 – pupils or teachers should go two weeks after returning from vacation, and only with a negative test result back to school. Lower Saxony holds, however, for the time being at the start of School with full classes in the restricted control operation. According to the Ministry of culture, the situation should be reviewed two weeks prior to the end of the holiday again. A framework hygiene plan prescribes, among other things, a mask of duty outside of the classroom in the corridors.