Yet there is nothing to indicate that the Video demoralized the protesters in Belarus, demo, in which the opposition candidate, Svetlana Tichanowskaja calls to end the protests. The haltingly read off the message was probably recorded in Belarus, could together have the effect of the video message, which you sent from exile in Lithuania, even the opposite. “God forbid, to stand before such a choice as I am,” says she, visibly drawn, and includes: “children are the most Important thing in our lives.”

The gap between these two speeches, everyone can fill with his imagination itself: What has the Regime of Aleksandr Lukashenka, the mother of two children, whose husband has since the end of may in prison and from their closest environment in the past few days, several persons were arrested, under pressure?

Tichanowskaja could be a Symbol of protest, because it is in a how the majority of the Belarusen: you had to do up to this summer, nothing to do with policy, but only tried to live a normal life. The attempt to break them, is, therefore, an attack on the self-esteem of those who have her cheering on the rallies before the elections. The Videos are an understandable Symbol of his regime costume. This and the support from Moscow – can stifle the protests, of course, still.