if you Ask pilots about their Motivation, they tell common stories from your Childhood, you already have the fascination of flying felt. However, the Corona pandemic has drawn the pitch, and a dream job take a heavy toll, because the air transport industry was taken as the first sector is particularly fierce, and then also particularly sustainable. At a stroke, thousands of pilots have been put out on the street, your perspective is over the years is unclear.

“I can actually never imagine to be as a Pilot with a lot of flight experience to be unemployed,” says a former Air Berlin Pilot. After 16 continuous years in the Cockpit of the 41-Year-old had to report this spring for the first time, unemployed and hopes for a re-entry. “An immediate re-training in another profession, and also from the point of view of the employment office at the time no sense. And finally, I have invested over 60,000 Euro in my education and my profession. This is not to be in vain.“

But the prospects are bleak: The European cockpit Association ECA is already on 15,000 threatened or already lost pilot jobs in Europe. With 6500 estimated, the largest proportion is attributable to pilots who were already in relationships prior to the crisis in precarious, atypical employment on-the-go. As in the case of job gaps in industry, temporary workers (Contract Pilots) had to go first.

Job Alternatives in Corona-times of only a few

the victims of the Airline come-bankruptcies such as in the case of Flybe, Air Italy, or the German air transport society Walter (LGW). The Ryanair subsidiary Lauda castle rabidly the bases in Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. In the renovation of the Norwegian whose Crew agencies went into bankruptcy, and around 1600 pilots lost your employment with uncertain re-setting.

not or with short-time working indefinitely postponed job losses are negotiated at industry giants such as British Airways, Lufthansa, SAS, KLM or Easyjet. According to Lufthansa-Chef Carsten Spohr to stand alone in the case of the Lufthansa-Core 800 of the 5000 pilot points on the Dump. Still, the pilot Union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) is trying, with the waiver of Salary and part-time rules to prevent redundancies.

Job Alternatives in Corona-times only a few. So far, the unemployed pilots could be found in the aeronautical environment easily between jobs, because they know the profession and the operations at the airport. But there is a slow period at present. “It’s a small and closed System, in which I work. The labour market is manageable. In some ways it is a kind of professional idiot, at least the qualification of Pilot is recognized outside of aviation, hardly,“ complains an unemployed Ex-Air Berlin.