the victory was, the fist, the heart remains. As Svetlana Tichanowskaja in mid-July as the only real opposition candidate against the permanent ruler Alexandr Lukashenka was admitted to the presidential elections in Belarus, together you promptly with the representatives of two would-be candidates, with Veronika Zepkalo, and Marija Kolesnikowa.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

In their first joint appearance of the three created using Gestures, an image that became the Symbol of the rebellion: Zepkalo lifted the Finger to V, like Victory, victory, Tichanowskaja clenched his fist, Kolesnikowas hands formed a heart. Tens of thousands cheered. On the weekend, traveled Zepkalo to her husband to Moscow in the night from Monday to Tuesday Tichanowskaja Belarus left Lithuania in the direction, obviously under the pressure of the regime, which can only assert with violence Lukaschenkas “victory”. The 38-year-old Kolesnikowa is and until further notice, the last representative of the trio in Belarus.

As the Only one of the three of you took not a candidacy detained husband, but the former Banker Viktor Babariko. He was considered the most promising Challenger Lukaschenkas, but was arrested in June. With in custody Babarikos son, Eduard, who had headed the staff of his father came to his place Kolesnikowa advanced.

Between Germany and Belarus

The spotlight is familiar to her: she studied in Minsk in music, specifically flute and Conducting. Later, she attended the Stuttgart Academy of music, speaks fluent German and works in normal times, as a musician and cultural Manager between Belarus and Germany. Babariko she won the 2019 to conduct one of his former Bank-funded “Kulturhub” in Minsk.

“women who don’t help other women, burn in hell,” said Kolesnikowa the end of July, on cooperation with the companions and joked, the three associations “, for example, Prosecco and Shopping”. But also in terms of content, the women were quick to agree. In the election Kolesnikowa of equality, justice, freedom of speech; it was such Speeches that mobilized many Belarusen electr. The heart gesture you have chosen because you embody Babarikos respect for the people, love and personal Dignity, explained Kolesnikowa.