Jamie Reigle in September 2019, the CEO of formula E. The 43-year-old canadian studied Economics in Dartmouth, after several short jobs, he worked for ten years at Manchester United, most recently as a member of the management Board and chief financial officer. In 2017, he became Vice-President of the NFL club, Los Angeles Rams, was there for Finance, Marketing and strategy.

Four of the six races in nine days of the formula E finale in Berlin are completed. What is your conclusion?

to begin, we wanted to our end of the season. And this with the necessary security for the Teams, for their members and for the driver. To this end, we have created in close cooperation with the German government a concept. This has worked exceptionally well. We have tested 1400 people, had only two positive Tests. These two immediately went into quarantine. It’s a great days racing with very varied. And with António Félix da Costa, we have already the Champion.

In the first half of the season there were in each race, another winner. After that has dominated Costa. He is therefore a worthy Champion?

Absolutely. He is a great guy, an excellent Ambassador of the formula e. He has won three races in a row, was several times on the Podium. That speaks for his class. Nevertheless, not is the special feature of the formula E that it is absolutely predictable. I was particularly pleased with the home win, Max Günther for BMW.

The formula E offered on the Tempelhofer airfield entertaining race. You believe that you were able to inspire some of the Motorsport fans, the reject otherwise, the formula E?

Basically, sports fans want to experience an exciting competition with unpredictable results. You want to experience Teams, you know you want to see athletes and athletes with whom you can sympathize, and you want a great, glorious past. The formula E has almost all of these things. The Only thing missing is the history of the other series in Motorsport. We are new. The formula E connects via Motorsport electric vehicles and climate change. We use the spectacle of the race, to show how technology evolves.

The performance will increase for the season 2022 enormous.

With the Gen 3 car we have 350 kW (476 HP) in the Qualifying round and 300 kW (408 HP) in the race mode. This is a significant increase. This shows the consumers, in what a short time the capacity of the battery is attached. In addition, it can be obtained at the front-axis energy back. For the race, the drivers are more strategic opportunities. How much power can you feed a round into the System, how efficiently you are driving? These improvements are really significant.

In the Gen 1 car, the drivers had to change vehicle.

not True. The step to Gen-2 car was a jump. And in the Gen-3 car, the battery will be 100 kilograms (285 instead of 385) easier. Because the cars are narrower and shorter, does this mean for our race on the road courses more Overtaking.