Bayern-boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge hopes, despite the provisional cancellation of the policy on an early return of Fans to the stadiums. “We hope that we are allowed to play, despite the first negative reaction of the policy at some point, however with viewers, because football without spectators is not fun,” said the Chairman of the Board of the German football record-breaking Champions FC Bayern Munich in Munich on Tuesday. Rummenigge also brought a Opening in small steps as a possible solution approach to the game.

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the test question, whether he thought that, notwithstanding the provisional cancellation of the policy, a stadium-return of the Fans to the Bundesliga season starts in mid-September for possible referred Rummenigge on the basics for the Opening for the spectators. “It is important that we work conceptually perfect, and that is made,” said Rummenigge. The requirements of the German football League could meet 100 percent, explained the 64-Year-old.

The Minister of health of the countries had agreed at their meeting on Monday, unanimously, to the fact that an Opening of the stadiums for the Fans to 31. October was not in favour of, given the current Corona Situation. The German football League (DFL) had previously developed a concept for a partial admission of spectators to the beginning of the season 2020/21 on the third weekend of September. This initially provides a return, a reduced number of Fans without standing, without alcohol and without guests, followers.

“Maybe you have to think because in the beginning conservative, that you don’t need to leave the 25,000 in the stadium,” said Rummenigge, and suggested that it “could guarantee maybe slow a so-called Re-Start with viewers”. “The important thing is, you have to have confidence in the football. And I think the football in Germany has proven that he can work with confidence,“ said Rummenigge. The football was not in a position “to ensure that requirements there’s something, without that it means a danger.”

The DFL accepted the provisional cancellation of the policy at a stadium-the return of the Fans to the Bundesliga start of the season without complaint. “The DFL has always stressed that the containment of the Coronavirus must have the highest priority. It respects, therefore, of course, the Position of the Minister of health from the Federal government and the countries in the current Situation,“ said the umbrella organisation of German professional football on Tuesday. “On the part of the DFL, there have been no claims in relation to the time of admission, or the number of stadium spectators.”

Despite the setback, the League wants to advance planning for the games audience further. “It should be in all areas of life the goal, with targeted concepts, and progressively the specific situation appropriate to seek a return in the direction of normality”, – stated in the message. “The DFL and the clubs of the Bundesliga and second Bundesliga will prepare accordingly as best as possible on a return of stadium visitors.”