Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced on Tuesday the world’s first government approval of a vaccine against the Coronavirus. “The Russian vaccine against the Coronavirus is effective and forms a resistant immunity,” he said to the Agency Interfax according to. The registration was made on Tuesday morning, it said. One of his two daughters had been vaccinated, he said.

The vaccine was developed by the state Gamaleja Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. Only a few people receive it in the context of a study. An authorisation prior to the availability of the results of large clinical trials is contrary to the usual international approach. The world health organization (WHO) made it clear in advance: “Each vaccine must, of course, all the rows of trial and Tests before it is approved and delivered.” There are clear guidelines for the development of vaccines.

A regular admission without the extensive data from a Phase III exam with a minimum of several Thousand subjects appear risky, said Klaus Cichutek, President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute. In the stage, among other things, possible rare side effects could be detected. The number of subjects amounts to usually several Thousand to tens of thousands. In Germany, there is a admission only after completion of the last Phase.

Russia’s health Minister Michael Muraschko said, the Gamaleja Institute and the company Winnopharm should produce the drug. First, teachers and Doctors to be vaccinated. According to the authorities, vaccination is set to begin in August or in September. The fabric should also be exported abroad. Regardless of the admission of a third test phase in Russia.

the World is sought in more than 170 projects after Corona vaccines, and several teams of researchers have published promising interim results. However, experts anticipate that, in General, to a marketable vaccine is usually only in the coming year.

The Gamaleja Institute had already announced in may, to have a vaccine developed. According to his own representation of the first Tests ran successfully. The preparation was tested on 50 soldiers who had volunteered. Russia has so far released but no scientific data on the vaccine for an independent assessment.

the Kremlin chief Putin had already made the early pressure in the development. According to Muraschko currently a second vaccine against Sars is being tested-CoV-2 clinically. More to follow.