In the American metropolis of Chicago, it came to riots and looting. Media reports of several hundred people who rebelled in the night of Monday (local time) in a well-known shopping area, the so-called Magnificent Mile, shop Windows, and stole. On Videos also clashes with the police are to be seen. More than 100 Suspects were arrested and two people have been shot, it said. 13 police officers had been injured. Police chief David Brown called the riots “pure crime” and mayor Lori Lightfoot said: “it was an attack on our city.”

the violence Began after a post in a social Medium, calling to form a motorcade and to gather in the business and shopping district, Brown said. The call was apparently made after shots of the police on a man who had, in turn, fired earlier on police officers. After the Social Media Post had been noticed, had been sent to 400 additional officers in the district.

Brown said, it’s window had been smashed. Dozens of shops had been looted and devastated. To do with an organized Protest against the incident by Sunday afternoon I had nothing. So the occupants of the vehicle to police officer shot, wanted to arrest a man who got carried away a cash register would. Mayor Lightfoot agreed with him: “That was really criminal behavior.” The police have a lot of Material that had been recorded by surveillance cameras of the looting, said Lightfoot: “We have seen you, and we will follow you.”