Who wants to see what sort of devastation can cause state intervention in the market, you have to deal only with the shortage of housing in the Rhine-Main area. The high Requirements are a proof of the construction of houses, the endless regulation of the rental market, and especially the artificial scarcity of available land from a misunderstood protection of the countryside make a Stay so expensive that, in turn, with all sorts of new regulations, however, is controlled – a vicious circle. And it is not sure whether it will turn out well, especially in this Metropolitan area, the population is increasingly tired, to deal with new projects.

It is time to liberalise the housing market fundamentally, but as long as this doesn’t have to move, the Hessian Minister of Economics Tarek Al-Wazir (Green party) within the craziness of the market, for which he wanted to have after the state election in 2018, not necessarily the competence. To build against his idea, unruly municipalities in the Frankfurt hinterland, with money comfortable, more apartments is, of course, nothing wrong with that.

it’s Not just deadweight

Seems the current System of municipal financing designed to reward cities and municipalities that want to grow, but also financially, as it should be. So something that should be generally addressed, but, of course, is not. At the end of the parliamentary term will be to settle whether the way was right and the incentive large enough to achieve additional housing and not just deadweight effects in the case of projects, the there would have been otherwise, as the Opposition pointed out on Monday already.