America’s foreign Affairs Minister Mike Pompeo has called the recent arrests in Hong Kong as a concern. You are further proof that the freedom in the former British crown colony bröckele, wrote Pompeo on Twitter.

a Few weeks after the introduction of the new safety law, the police had arrested on Monday the well-known media Mogul Jimmy Lai is determined as a sharp critic of China. The 71-Year-old is also accused of other Detainees as a threat to national security through cooperation with foreign powers. The Editorial offices of the Lai issued, and for more democracy newspaper “Apple Daily” fights were about 200 police officers searched. In total, the authorities arrested on Monday with reference to the law at least nine people.

The newspaper came out on Tuesday with a circulation of more than 500,000 copies – instead of the usual 100,000. The front-page headline over a photo of Lai in handcuffs, bears the title: “Apple Daily needs to continue to fight.”

The shares of the Lai company, Next Digital was continued, meanwhile, their high-altitude flight, after investors have called for in numerous Internet forums, the practice of solidarity. On Tuesday, the title grew by more than 170 percent.