In Germany, visited in the meantime, every eleventh student in a private school. Of the total of 10.8 million children and young people around 1.0 million that is selected in the school year 2018/19, the Alternative to public institution, according to the Federal Statistical office in Wiesbaden on Monday. For comparison: Ten years earlier it was only one out of every three in ten students. “For nearly three decades, more and more students visit in Germany, private schools in absolute Numbers and proportionally,” write the statisticians.

John Pennekamp

editor responsible for economic reporting, responsible for “The Lounge”.

F. A. Z.

primary and secondary schools provide in terms of numbers the majority of the private schools, followed by comprehensive schools and Waldorf schools. A significant proportion of the upward trend has been established according to the evaluation of educational researchers, the catch-up process in Eastern Germany, where private schools only slowly.

rush to private schools due to Corona?

In the Eastern German States of Saxony (14.7%), Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (each 12 percent) to send to parents, in the meantime, the highest percentage of children in private schools, in Schleswig-Holstein there are only 4.4 percent of the children. “Because children are missing, back in the East public schools today, in part of the area, local authorities seek instead to private providers to step in,” says Klaus Klemm, Emeritus Professor of education, food researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

the Trend of academics is Driven. “In the East, 23 percent of children from academic parents houses and visit a good private school in the West nearly 17 per cent – around 20 and 13 percentage points more than in 1995,” reads an analysis by the German Institute for economic research (DIW).

“This is a massive increase,” says DIW-education economist Katharina Spieß. It’ll give both parents and their children enrolled directly in private schools, as well as others, who decided for a change, after you have made the public school a bad experience. The reasons were varied: other educational approaches, the desire for a more homogeneous class, dissatisfaction with the state of a device.

it will be interesting now is whether the private get schools by the Corona-pandemic even greater inflow. The public schools were just in the first few weeks of lock downs in the spring in the criticism, because a lot of organize hard-to-actions, Online lessons via Video. The Association of German private school associations (VDP) shall, on request, we are pleased to report that “private schools are so far come with the Situation successfully cope”.