offered Approximately nine months after the RAID on a Money in front of a furniture house in Frankfurt, the police keep looking for the culprit. The police in Frankfurt is on Wednesday in the ZDF-show “aktenzeichen XY … ungelöst” with a Video to the Public, such as from a communication from the broadcast shows.

The photos show the perpetrators in a white hooded jumper and black Jogging pants, as well as the getaway vehicle as the police announced on Monday. The man hides his face behind a black baseball cap and large black sunglasses. The Video was already released in December, 2019. Now the police hoping for new information.

firefight on the page input

the Unknown had on 9. November, before the Ikea store in the city district of Nieder-Eschbach is a money cassette messengers snatched full of cash. In the case of a scuffle at the side entrance, there was an exchange of fire, the messenger was hit and seriously injured. After the Robbery, the burned-out getaway car was found near the scene.