Donald trump’s head larger than life set in stone? The 74-year-old President wants to have an extension of the world-famous monument of four of its predecessor, on the Mount Rushmore never stimulated, but the idea seems to be to fall to it. “I have never proposed it”, although it sounds in the light of the achievements of his presidency, “for me, a good idea,” wrote the President on Sunday evening (local time) on Twitter.

the reason for trump’s Tweet was a review of the “New York Times” on Saturday that an employee of the White house would expire have asked last year at the office of the Governor of South Dakota, such as Adding a President to the monumental national monument. The channel CNN got in on the story. Trump dismissed the reports as false.

“did you Know that it’s my dream?”

“these are Fake News,” wrote Trump. Shortly before, he had posted in a Tweet a photo of yourself in front of the portrait heads of former presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. On the eve of the national holiday at the 4. July, he had kept in front of this backdrop, a speech, which was met with aboriginal resistance. The Sioux, the Black Hills are sacred. They claim the area in which the already controversial almost 80 years old the monument is, for themselves. Yet in his speech at the 4. July had explained to Trump that the monument remain intact.

Trump had been played at a gig in the summer of 2017, with the idea of whether it would please his supporters, if he would one day be part of the monument. The current Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem said in 2018 in the election campaign, in an Interview, Trump told her once, in all seriousness: “did you Know that it is my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?”

According to “New York Times” has Noem worked since coming to power in 2018 to ensure that Trump would come to this year’s celebrations in your state at the national holiday with controversial fireworks.