German foreign Minister Heiko Maas has complained to his American counterpart, Mike Pompeo about the recent threat of Sanctions because of the Nord Stream Baltic sea Pipeline 2. In a telephone conversation with Pompeo, he had brought on Sunday his “dismay” over the letter from three senators to the ferry port of Sassnitz on Rügen to the expression of said Maas on Monday in Berlin.

in it had threatened the members of the Republican party of American President Donald Trump, operators, and shareholders of the port with the entry ban in the United States and Freezing of property in the United States. The had caused in Germany, with cross-party support for the outrage and the call for counter-measures to be louder to be let.

Pompeo travels this Tuesday to Europe, but to Germany. Instead, he visited the neighbouring countries of the Czech Republic, Austria and Poland. In addition to Slovenia.

Sassnitz ferry port plays a Central role in the construction

Trump criticized the Pipeline between Russia and Germany for years, Germany could militarily against Russia to protect, get Moscow, but at the same time, high revenues from gas exports. Critics accuse Trump oppose the idea of the Pipeline, only to more American liquefied natural gas in Europe to sell.

Trump had at the end of 2019, the first criminal action against certain companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2. The concerned but, above all, the laying of the ships from Switzerland. Now, for the first time against a German company.