After the advance of the SPD-Führungsduos to a coalition with the Left after the election, criticism of the current coalition partners. CSU General Secretary Markus Blume said the “Bild”-Zeitung, the SPD was speaking on a “tight links course” of the bow, instead of on “the successes of the Grand coalition” to. “With your left proves reveries in the midst of a global recession, the SPD, why you know in the polls-the only way is down.”

On the weekend, both Saskia esque, as well as Norbert Walter had-Borjans, who had been elected eight months ago to the top of the social Democrats, openly for a coalition with the left party shown. “We want to record a clear image of a fairer future, the great respect for the people and many a better future,” said esque on Sunday in the ARD-“summer interview”.

they brought even an Alliance under the green chancellorship into the game. “Because it’s not about vanity. It’s about making good policy for the people in the country, and the SPD is ready to go in as a responsibility.“ Esque hinting at the same time that your party think of the rich against the Background of the social charges due to the Corona-crisis about a delivery for super.

FDP: performance ready-no longer a home

“find in SPD Performance is very important for workers in the SPD no political home anymore,” noted FDP General Secretary Linda Teuteberg, “with which Chancellor candidates are also always”. Currently, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, of the is a business-friendly course with social elements, is regarded as the most likely candidate for Chancellor of the SPD.

It is now clear, “that it taxes in the election campaign, more or less, and a viable rule of law or law-free spaces will have to go,” says Teuteberg. Who give the SPD or Greens his voice, will Wake up “with a red-Red-Green,” she warned.


survey of: source: All of the results from the Federal and länder

Earlier, had also Eskens Co-Chairman of Walter-Borjans, shown in principle open to talks with the left party. The SPD wants to be the leading force in a coalition government, the place social cohesion at the centre. “The Grand coalition is no basis for this. If we were an Alliance option with the Left, had the defenders of the keep‘ and thus the further division of society already won,“ he said the Newspapers of the Funke media group. The Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz, group chief Rolf hat would not and just esque way. “Clarification is needed it would be but sure enough. As with the Greens,“ said Walter-Borjans.

Left-Boss Katja Kipping had previously stated: “the necessary social and ecological changes to implement, we are ready to go in a Federal government. To do this, we need social majorities to the left of the Union.“

Green against a “boring color debate”

The Greens responded initially reluctant to the SPD approach. The national Director of the Michael waiter said the ARD, the coalition questions at the end of an election campaign and not now, the beginning of which, will be. It is first a competition of the best ideas, not a “boring color” debate.