A business idea has a chance of success, if the product or service appeals to wide layers. A narrow-minded view restricts the horizon, so it is good when people with different experiences in the development of the idea to bring in. Diversity is not only a question of Rate, but economically sensible.

Therefore, more and more asset managers and rating agencies look at the social risks of a company. The debate about the equality of women to management levels and the treatment of ethnic or sexual minorities in corporate culture in the center. The employees are satisfied and do not feel discriminated against, then the influenced the success of the company positively.

our success and culture are closely connected with a good, responsible company management. Unequal treatment is a risk, because a bad reputation will weaken the competitive position. The environment is in the foreground, when the financial markets focus on sustainability. But there is more to it: the culture of a sustainable society. Diversity pays off – even in the stock market.