What is the young people popular social network Tiktok? When the American President threatened to ban the service from the United States and set a time-limit, negotiated by the software company Microsoft with the Chinese Tiktok-parent Adoption. Agree both sides have become still, or at least nothing like that is officially known.

From the point of view of the incumbent Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is in a Takeover is a great opportunity for the company. In this area, Microsoft has, as yet, no substantial deal. Significantly restrained the Microsoft co-founder and long-standing former CEO Bill Gates sees the contrast, obviously. “Who knows what will happen with this agreement,” he told the Internet service is Wired, and he added: “Yes, it is a poisoned chalice.” To be in business with social media, this was “no easy game”. This shows, for example, on the question of encryption.

in Principle, he could find, Gates, it is good, if there is more competition. With a view to the action Trumps against Tiktok he think, however, “quite bizarre” that the President makes the “single competitions Platt”.

Gates was also skeptical with regard to the Trump advanced to the effect that the government should receive a portion of the purchase price. “I agree that the principle by which this works, it is strange.” So Microsoft will have to deal with now but.