“The fact that a story moves in a Genre, does not exclude the Width at all.”

Roland Klick

it is in these days! This is a text block, I have virtually never used, in the past couple of weeks often.

Just in these days: I Want to do with the luck. The Virus can’t kill her every happiness. The one may perhaps say.

The majority of novelists are known to be heart-broken if one of your works being made into a movie: This great figure is missing, the brilliant dialogue, the Central message is twisted, and from the Rest the Director did not understand much. In this Situation, the famous phrase was invented, “Take the money and run”.

But I’m the exception. I am Not happy, what to get my old girlfriend Nina Grosse with your movie, “dead”out of my detective novel “A slap in the face”has made. I’m not running away, but the center of the action went to the shooting there was completed, where the reality of my novel, meets in Café Schiller at Munich Central station.

Back in the Seventies

the night before the film crew should take the beginning of the Schiller street and the Café, I was confronted by three o’clock on my balcony in the Hotel and thought, you can forget it. Because of the announced hurricane Sabine was now immense, and no plane would fly, no device remain standing. But the film people were with the storm of chaos done.

even the thought of it bores me, I could analyze the differences between my novel and Nina Great screenplay. Anyway, it’s about an ageing known-infamous actress, who is attacked briefly before the Comeback of a Stalker, an Ex-COP to turn off the Stalker. The case leads the two back into the Munich Film and half of the world-scene of the early seventies, where the career of the movie stars started.

Nina Grosse has not noticed this scene. We were both just over twenty, when we first met in 1983 at a student job to know. Nina had dropped out of grade your literature-Theater-philosophy-study and at the University for Film and television started, and she was so excited and confident that I doubted your career never. While I could specify with the dream of the writer only, and had no idea.

“I just thought: Iris Berben!”

Thirty years, over twenty television and four feature films, the “Tatort”episodes and two series later, I came as a Fan, never have the idea that the Big could make a film out of something from me. Maybe it’s because I thought the Writing never on Film. That’s why I was perplexed when I gave her my novel “A slap in the face” and you yelled at me the next day on the phone: “Doblaaa, the relationship, that’s what I wanted!”