as soon As a Disney heroine poking around in their world for a moment and a little bit of calm before your fellow-men has, presents the audience with a song, in the world that you dreamt of. Today, the popular model was found: “I’m Wishing” was a 1937 snow white the first singing scene in Walt disney’s””.

Florian Balke

culture editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

For Daria Berten of the Song shows something for disney movies Understanding: “It is not music that is just. It comes from the Story and the character.“ The 1984 Berlin-born historian, has compiled the exhibition “The Sound of Disney”, which can be seen in the German film Institute and film Museum on Frankfurt’s schaumainkai since Friday. And because disney’s worlds of sound in the study of drawings is hardly exhaustive experience, there is an extensive accompanying program with lots of movies to Re-See and Re-Hear.

On Sunday starts at 15 p.m. a programme of Short films from the 13. August numerous classics to run for half a year, from the “jungle book” in September on “the little mermaid” in October and “Peter Pan” in November to “Cinderella” in December. Los, however, in a few days with the early masterpieces of “snow white” and “Dumbo” and “Pocahontas” as an example of the Disney Renaissance of the nineties.

“asked the Prince, snow white, anyway?”

the fact that the music and the Rest of the soundtrack with the sounds and voices at Disney are not just there, but a function in the Film-told story, speaks Berten, as well as about aspects of the production process or on certain works. “Peter Pan”, for example, in 1953, in the cinemas come. She has a lot left for the later Ticktock-called crocodile once ate captain Hooks Hand and since then a further Bite interested. Because it has eventually engulfed once even an alarm clock, listen to the villain, at least, when it approaches him: “An example of the leitmotif technique, which can be found in many Disney films.”