Before the Cologne regional court starts this Monday, the criminal process against one of the main suspects in the abuse of the complex “mountain”. The public Prosecutor’s office accuses the 43-year-old Jörg L., to have its 2017 born daughter since her third month of life regularly sexually tormented. In addition, L. according to the Internet should have made chat with Bastian. s., a now-convicted Pädokriminellen from Kamp-Lintfort on the lower Rhine, in order for their children to exchange supply-side. The indictment against Jörg L. includes more than 100 pages, and lists 79 of the crimes.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

According to the court, the trained chef and hotel Manager has not admitted as yet to the allegations, but he said that he announced that on the second Day of the trial in a week’s statements. L. have helped the criminalists of the investigative group of “the mountain” but in the case of the identification of his Chat-Partner, the court said.

in The case of the “mountain” is one of the largest abuse complex in Germany. There are still around 130 police officers are involved in the education. Rolling up the investigation after the search of the apartment of Jörg L. in Bergisch Gladbach, near Cologne, were come, which is why up to today, from “the case of Bergisch Gladbach” the speech is. In the meantime, the name no longer fits, because the investigators do not have a Westphalia, in the past few months, only in the Bergisches Land region or in North-Rhine, but also in all other States suspects can identify. A total of 71 information has been forwarded to the Cologne police headquarters-based investigative group of “the mountain” to the authorities in the other countries. Alone in North Rhine-Westphalia, is now accused of 87 with the case, “mountain” connected persons of serious sexual abuse of children and/or the distribution and acquisition of child pornographic writings; seven persons are currently indicted ten people currently sit in prison. Around 50 victims have been able to be and out of the clutches of her tormentor freed identified.

your name the investigation team from the place of residence of the main suspect, Jörg L. But could the “mountain” for the enormous amounts of data are available, the investigator not only in North Rhine-Westphalia, but also in Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, or in the Saarland, in the case of suspects to ensure have got. Unlike the town of Lügde, where the beginning of 2019 two Pädokriminelle thing could be done, the had needs over many years on a camping mass child abuse, it is in the Case of the “mountain” is no longer a locally limited, but in many respects, boundaryless case.

Internet Chats as a technical driver for Pädokriminelle detected

In the investigation of the case, “mountain” was invited for the first time clearly highlight the enormous importance of the Internet Chats in forums such as Whatsapp or Threema as a technical driver for Pädokriminelle have. On the Internet structures in which the offender with other offenders in contact with children in pornographic exchange Material and also common rapes discuss exist.

Still, the Dimension of the mesh in the case of “mountain” does not foresee, because more and more seized data carriers such as mobile phones, Laptops or USB Sticks, the investigators come in the snowball system more and more offenders on the track. In the beginning of time there have been several arrests in a night. Multiple advanced deployment of forces by helicopter, so that suspects could be made without further delay thing fixed. In the black forest, conservation police officers on the door of a Pederast – he discovered in the files led to an additional suspect in Brandenburg.