Twitter has, according to insiders interested in a Takeover of the American business of the, under political pressure, the Video platform, the Tiktok. The short message service have contacted the Chinese Tiktok-owners-byte dance said two familiar with the Situation of people, the Reuters news Agency. However, it is far from certain that Twitter could cut out the Software giant, Microsoft, is considered the favorite for the award in the case of Tiktok. Byte dance to stay about 45 days to find a buyer. Otherwise there is a danger of prohibition in the United States.

First, the “Wall Street Journal, had reported” on Sunday about merger talks. It is preliminary negotiations on a possible were to go together, the newspaper said. Tiktok, byte dance and Twitter would not comment on the information.

President Trump and Tiktok

the President of Donald Trump has Tiktok in the visor. Due to security concerns, he said last, by a decree of transactions with two of the largest in America to make IT-companies in China – bytes of dance, as well as the WeChat operator Tencent. The measures are not yet in force.

Tiktok has developed in America is increasingly becoming a platform for political debates and campaigns. The App has around 100 million users. Trump and other politicians see the Tiktok as a Chinese espionage tool. Currently, a deadline of 15 runs. September, to sell the America-activities to Microsoft.

Twitter has a market value of nearly $ 30 billion, a fraction of the Microsoft valuation. For the acquisition of Twitter would have to raise the according to insiders additional capital. “Twitter is not going to be easy to manage the financing for the Acquisition of the US activities of Tiktok,” said Erik Gordon of the University of Michigan. The group from the Silicon Valley don’t have enough ways to get money.

One of the insiders told Reuters, however, an Acquisition by Twitter could be like China better. The short message service is not active in the people’s Republic. Trump favoured a purchase by Microsoft.