The search for personal happiness human powers for centuries, philosophers have interpreted it entirely differently. Some of the ranges, the absence of a major disaster for the personal happiness, and others spend their lives looking for more and more. The Deutsche Bank entrepreneur Denis Martin has now established an Online Academy, with the help of people search for their own luck in a pragmatic way to address. On the website of Hapily, you can make a free happiness test, which illuminates all areas of life from work to family, friendships, relationships and sexuality, health and spirituality.

Algorithms evaluate the result and send the result as E-Mail, along with Coaching tips. For a fee the Whole thing is, if you book the core of the company, an Online course in eight modules, or a completely individual personal Coaching. Between 250 euros (Online course for the early bird price) and four-digit sums for an individual Coaching package are due.

“I’m a good example of this is that you can for years in his profession, unfortunately,” says Martin. He was running after a long time the wrong goals. After his studies of Economics he worked first at a Traditional manufacturer of luxury cars, and later as a Manager and Co-founder of different Start-ups. “I always new of exciting business ideas lead.” To a Burnout, and a longer depressive Phase, led him to rethink and he took a Coaching.

“The entrepreneurial Gene in me,”

from then on, he knew that he wanted to give this experience, reported by Denis Martin. He made a Coaching training in an established institution in Munich and as a Coach independently. “I wanted to approach this scientifically, and not just two books to read to celebrate me as a Coach.” The job title was not finally protected. When he met the entrepreneurs was Marcus Börner, a friend from Deutsche Bank, school days, again in Berlin, has even written a travel book about the concepts of Happiness in different Parts of the world, he had to convince, “the entrepreneurial Gene awaken in me,” again. The idea to Hapily was born, Börner is the Co-founder and shareholder, Denis Martin, founder, co-owner and managing Director.

“of Course, people on our side, the feel, in principle, a deficit, not the completely Satisfied go rather,” he says. Since the middle of may, the page is unlocked, since then, several thousand people have made the non-binding luck test. “There are Online, otherwise no Test is so extensive,” claims the founder, even the Harvard happiness test (based on the Harvard study on the topic) is less complex. The activation of the Online package will start in mid-July, a mix of self-study and once weekly video telephony with a personal exchange in small, manageable eight modules.

Also individual coaching sessions will be via video telephony offered, clients, and the various Coaches were scattered throughout Germany. After the Online course, it is not automatically for the Rest of your life happy, you have to honestly own claims, always questioning. “Happiness is not static, but a dynamic process.”