On the third day of our trip, ask our Italian friends, full of expectation: And? What have you already seen everything?

Julia Schaaf

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

The balance sheet is poor. Two and a half days, we criss-cross through Venice, running and have just the famous art gallery, the Gallerie dell’Accademia, visited. While I am in room VIII, still pensive in front of Giorgione’s “Storm”, the girls are already with your tour finished. The whole of the Venetian painting of the 16th century. Century, all of these magnificent giant Tintoretto, and Veronese’s with the dynamic bodies in a hitherto unknown color, the artistic expression of a world power at the height of their time, two fifteen-year-old happy in the ton entered: “full ugly”. Rather you buy a linen bag from the Museum shop. Then we sit on the Campo Santa Margherita, where the girl with the cell phone camera to take pictures of your San Bitter. In a way, you’re right. With this glaring Red self-Titian can not keep up.

Originally, I had dreamed of a mother-daughter trip. My big kid and I in this enchanted city, I imagined how we browse together in the guides, plans, preferences to the vote and, clearly, also to compromise. We would have so much to second like never before, and away from the Rest of the family and of everyday life in a whole different way to get to know – age appropriately, perhaps, more at eye level.

“Here we were!”

Then my daughter convinced me, a good friend to take with you. In the first Moment I reacted offended. She explained to me that the impressions of your Italy-student exchange office-day excursion in the lagoon is still too fresh to not keep memories zuweinen behind and missing the peers. I was afraid before two Pubertieren, which ran the morning of wasting, cultural and historical Highlights, ignored and half of the time on the phone hung. But the girl insured, that will not happen. And before we were even …

Indeed, we are electrified from the first Moment on, all three like. Venice is, as you walked through a huge post card in 3D. No matter which corner you turn: every Time a new Arrangement of streets, bridges, squares opens up. Every look the perfect photo. In the sun of the Grand Canal sparkle as if the water was indeed fresh and clear. The side arms seem a thick liquid, such as with gelatin stirred in. Your dull pond reminds green of the brushes used water, if children with water paint colors, and brings the earth and Ochre colours of the buildings really glow. Flood damage no trace.

After we have searched for almost an hour, our Airbnb, because Google Maps fails in the intricate maze of this city, you would have needed a direct route from the Vaporetto stop just five minutes – to lead the girls to me on the direct route to St. mark’s square. Along the way, they encounter exaggerated small cries like hungry young birds: “Here we were!” “That’s where we sat!” “We have made a photo!”

Three things we have planned wisely: firstly, Our apartment is located just a few steps from the fish market and the Rialto bridge. Both in the Northern Cannaregio district with the former Jewish ghetto as well as in the student district of Dorsoduro, you come quickly to the foot. Secondly, Regardless of the fact that we have been lucky with the weather, proves to be early February before the carnival and, as it turns out later, in front of the Corona pandemic, which was of course predictable – an excellent time to travel. You don’t need to book Tickets in advance, shut-off grille, which direct the flow of visitors, standing around useless. Even on the main tourist axes, that is, not of the masses annoyed in a traffic jam. Thirdly, We are almost a week in the city. For the case that the interests diverge so far that it is hard to agree on a program, there should be no pressure of time. Neither I wanted to Stress the youth get with my claims of bullying. Anything else would be armed with the announcement.