Expensive, low range, poor charging infrastructure: The the points of criticism of the electric car sceptics are. And actually you can see by the few electric cars of European manufacturer confirmed the high prices of family-friendly Stromer from terror. The exception is the Renault Zoe is, soon, the VW ID of 3 comes in. Also Chinese manufacturers on the German and European market now. At the fairs of the past few years, you already have your electro-mobile, the Compact and medium class. For September, the Airways U5 is now announced. The SUV is said to cost around 35,000 euros.

to pass A first test ride will show whether the U5 prospects in the market. A start button there is not, purely put, the key, and it can start. The rotary switch in the centre console we know of Jaguar and Land Rover. We choose the step D, press the accelerator pedal, and according to knarzendem Solve the Park’s crawling the U5 los brake. With easily an unwilling growl. From a bad mood but not a trace: On bold pressure on the accelerator pedal the 1.75 tons, the Airways get on with it, footed up to 60 km/h. 315 Newton metres of maximum torque are more than enough.

But in the Sprint from a standstill to 100 km/h takes almost 10 seconds. On the highway at 160 km/h. Travel speeds of more than 120 km/h are recommended, we will hear from a Tesla driver. “Otherwise, you won’t go far.”


the U5 is Driven by a synchronous motor at the front axle. Up to 125 kW (170 HP) will be provided. That’s enough for a family-friendly performance, with acceptable range. A 359 Kilo weighing 63-kWh battery module in the aluminum sub-floor provides the electrical energy. Airways, according to the Sandwich is a patented design with integrated water cooling. 400 km range with one battery charge to be promised. We interrupt our journey to 346 kilometers at eight percent power reserve for Reloading.

Alone, the Power of our pre-U5 does not work on this day, in Germany, it is still reliable. The problem is the communication between the charging station and the car. Apparently, the U5 still speaks with a strong Chinese accent. The Problem was detected and will be fixed via a Software Update, protested Airways.