After the Lufthansa Executive Board has responded to the worst quarterly result in the company’s history with the announcement, but to have to redundancies, in order to reduce costs, talk to employee representatives from management failure and other critics of deliberate escalation, avoid expensive regulations.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

On Thursday morning, Lufthansa had notified the Chairman of the Board, Carsten Spohr, that the group in the second quarter of corona due to a loss of 1.5 billion Euro, have to accept have. With a passenger volume of only four percent compared to the prior-year quarter, revenue fell by 80 percent to 1.9 billion euros. The loss in the first half of the year amounted to 3.62 billion euros.

Where are the 11,000 jobs to be deleted, which should alone be eliminated in Germany, said the Board of Directors. It speaks a lot to ensure that a substantial part of the jobs at Frankfurt airport, the group is Central, and in the flight operations cease. At the Moment, the Lufthansa with around 40,000 employees of the largest private-sector employer in the state of Hesse.

The “urgent and necessary reduction in Costs,” missing

Spohr made except for the slower than expected onset of recovery in the air transport, so far, to the absence of agreements with the trade unions for the disastrous business results responsible. It is the “urgent need to reduce Costs is missing”. With the trade Union Verdi and pilots ‘ Union Cockpit, no agreements had been made, and also with the cabin Union Ufo reached agreements are the agreements reached is still not confirmed.

This debt allocation is contrary to the workers ‘ side. Christian Hirsch, boss of the Lufthansa group works Council and the representation of employees of the Lufthansa AG, commented on the demand that the Management’s only the beginning now, for the trade Union Verdi, especially represented employees – much floor employees to submit concrete proposals to the “socially responsible mining”, although the crisis had already been there for months. You would have long since semi-retirement, early retirement and severance can offer rules, said Hirsch. Instead, the Board is to announce redundancies. The Spohr defendant’s loss of time to be alone casual driving, or even intentional delay by the top management of the group owed.

Hirsch does not deny that the for the Lufthansa particularly important inter-continental transport is still largely on the ground. Also, the forecast that are not expected to be before 2024, with a recovery of air transport on the level of the Corona-crisis, he doesn’t doubt. The less was understandable that the Management had not submitted the long exit solutions for employees. It is to be feared that the Management operation on the less socially acceptable, but probably cheaper solution-related terminations to be set.

Ufo-managing Director Nicoley Baublies expressed on Thursday that he was a failure, “appalled at the Management at Lufthansa”. Good, because for all portable results of the negotiations failed because the negotiators would have no decision-making power and all of the Executive Committee “approve would have to leave”. Also very competent Manager, has operated in a quasi-administrator level, which prevent rapid solutions and valuable time to cost. Cockpit speaker Janis Schmitt said the economic Agency Reuters, it was counter-productive operation and to announce the reasons, while you negotiate.