The number of confirmed Corona-infections in the state of Hesse as strongly increased since the middle of April, not more. 158 people were infected, according to the Ministry of social Affairs with the Virus. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, as confirmed cases of infection in Hesse, are therefore increased to 12.468, the number of deaths associated with the Virus, increased to 524 – a more than the day before. The Situation is better control, should be extended to the testing capacity for this reason.

the Ministry of social Affairs on Friday announced that from mid-August to educators and staff in the child day care act, cost to Land on the Coronavirus test can be given. “We hope that we contribute with this Service-offer of the country to be able to existing fears of infection with Sars-CoV-2 in the time of the complete absorption of the control operation after the summer holidays to encounter,” said Secretary of state Anne Janz (Green). The Test offer is valid between 17. August and 8. October. The cost will be borne by the state of Hesse.

Also at Frankfurt airport are from Saturday to new rules. For travellers returning from high-risk areas, a test is compulsory. 72 hours, you have time to view free of charge on the Virus test, and thus avoid a long quarantine period. Udo Götsch, head of infectious diseases at the public health office in Frankfurt, criticized the procedure. If a traveler had only inserted immediately before the departure, could not be detected the Virus in a first Test, for sure. A negative result suggesting but a security which was not given. “If it were up to us, would you ask the people five to seven days after arrival in quarantine, and then test it.” He also warns of a burden to the health authorities.