China hopes, according to the American counterintelligence to an electoral defeat of President Donald Trump in November – whereas in Russia there is a preference for the incumbent. “Our assessment is that China wants, that the President, Trump, the Beijing considers to be unpredictable, will not be re-elected,” explained counterintelligence chief William Evanina on Friday in a public statement. By contrast, Russia’s attempts to damage Trumps democratic Challenger Joe Biden.

“Before the elections in foreign countries will be using more of hidden and open influence methods, to influence the preferences and perspectives of voters, to change the American political discord in the United States to strengthen and the trust of the population in our democratic process to be undermined,” said Evanina, who directs the National centre for counterintelligence and security (NCSC). To expect attacks on the choice of infrastructure to be.

accusations against China

China has scaled up its efforts to exert influence on the political environment in the United States prior to the elections, the head of the secret service. China attempts of criticism against themselves to distract and put pressure on policy makers, acting from Beijing’s perspective China’s interests.

The Chinese government have intensified their rhetoric against America in a number of dispute issues, such as the Coronavirus pandemic, to the autonomy of Hong Kong, the video platform Tiktok or 5G technology. “Beijing realizes that all of these efforts could affect the presidential race,” writes Evanina.

already, by trade disputes and strained relations between Washington and Beijing have deteriorated in the past few months, solid. Trump and his government, with vigour against the Chinese government. Critics accuse the President also election tactics. Trump accuses his rival Biden is always to be accommodating towards China.

Drums Russia for Trump?

is Quite different than in the case of China, America’s counterintelligence ranks the intentions of Russia: Russia attempts to denigrate Biden”,” said Evanina. The former Vice President will be considered as part of the anti-Russian “Establishment”.