this Is now the feared “second wave”? It is pointless to argue about the name. It is important that the increase in the Corona cases surface could accept a ceiling and the exponential growth, the overloaded health offices very quickly. On what the pandemic-companies set up to have, but wave anyway, as long as there is no vaccine, the duration.

transcript so far, and only a slight sense seduced to do so, as everything was only half as wild. In this respect, the test is now: Can we live with the pandemic actually?

The difference to the propagation in the spring is not only in the current infection figures are still much lower. But even if they should rise further: no-one can really imagine the public and economic life in such a way to sedate as it was then.

At the least, the politicians in charge. The Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), hastened to say that the shops would not be closed again. Neither the Affected nor the state could afford to do that.

it does not take the longer the pandemic, the only human lives, but also livelihoods on the game. Thus, the proportionality of rigid measures is changing.

Comparatively harmless is the obligation to Test for returnees from high-risk areas. Whoever takes on a risk, it should at the latest be at the point of entry to remember that freedoms are not without responsibility.