plenty of sunshine and temperatures well over the 30 degree mark: For the weekend of the summer turns up in Germany right. Already on Friday, the temperatures climbing in many places, to maximum values between 30 to 36 degrees, such as the German weather service (DWD) announced in Offenbach. Only South of the Danube and along the coasts it is according to the forecast, with 27 to 30 degrees is not quite so hot.

And the heat remains in Germany for the time being: Also at the weekend, the sun is shining, only in the low mountain ranges can form on Saturday, too short showers. On Friday and Saturday, the weather service expects a high heat load. The temperatures are even a little bit: The maximum values reach up to 37 degrees on Saturday and even up to 38 degrees on Sunday in the West. Along the coasts and on the Islands it should be a little less hot.

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the Deutsche Bahn is preparing. “Because in some States, the summer holidays come to an end, we expect a somewhat higher capacity utilization in the long-distance trains,” said a railway spokesman. The Federal group is currently working hard to ensure that it comes in the heat of the phases, and in the middle of the Corona-crisis problems with air-conditioning in long distance trains. Among other things, in the summer, targeted maintenance would be carried out, parts cleaned and Filter replaced.

hundreds of staff had been recruited in the past few years, to ensure the maintenance of the air conditioners. In the next five years, the group intends to invest in this area, a two-digit million amount.