The season of the first and second Bundesliga will be on 18. September opened. If the game procedure operation in accordance with the 22./23. May 2021 is going to end, depends on the further course of the Corona pandemic. The German football League will publish the game plans on Friday (12: 00).

How a game plan is created in the Bundesliga?

The DFL has a Software, which also makes individual adjustments for the respective clubs outside the pure scheduling scheme possible. Thus, the requirements of local authorities or security agencies and the wishes of the clubs and stadium operators can be with the help of computers taken into account. This is equally true, that the neighboring club moved to play their home games to begin, holidays, parallel large-scale events or game dates to be included in the European Cup competitions. Hundreds of options are being examined. “The human factor is also in the age of technology and digitization is essential,” says a DFL-Background to the game plan Puzzle.

What are the specifics of the Bundesliga game plan for 2020/21?

In General, began the season in the past few years in August and ended in may. After the interruption of the last season due to the Corona pandemic, it was only on 26. To be played June end. In order to compensate for the later Start of the season 2020/21, was shortened by the winter break. A day before the Holy night, the second round of the DFB will be played Cup – and on 2. January is already a kickoff for 14. Round in the League. In addition, there will be three English League-weeks.

What is even more unusual in the next season?

The Supercup between the German champion and the DFB-Cup winners ‘ Cup is not played before the League-opening, but only at the 30. September. In addition, the DFB is not a competition, Cup final, as usual, after the completion of the League and on a Saturday in Berlin’s Olympic stadium will take place, but already on Thursday, 13. May 2021 (the ascension) to take place. This is due to the event density. Not the weekend will be played on may -. The 1. May 2021 falls on a Saturday. At the request of the security authorities this weekend remains free of completely game days, the three professional leagues.

Why the Bundesliga season has to be finished in may?

Because the European football Championships was moved due to the pandemic a year, and now of 11. Of June to the 11. July 2021 should be played. Therefore starts on December 31. May the coming year, the Fifa secondment period for national teams. Originally scheduled for 2021, provided for women’s championship has been postponed to 2022.

What happens when there is Corona-cases for Bundesliga clubs?

If it should come to Coronavirus-cases, and a team in 14 days of quarantine, would, would games postponed and will be rescheduled. In the last season of the second Bundesliga this case, after the Re-Start with Dynamo Dresden occurred, which had to complete for this reason, seven games in 21 days.