The Opera singer Plácido Domingo, in order to proceed according to their own words in the future, more clearly than in the past against accusations of sexual misconduct. The Spanish-Mexican Opera star, told the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” (Thursday), through its Corona-disease, his attitude to the allegations was different today. “I’ve changed, I’m not afraid anymore,” explained the 79-Year-old. “When I learned of my Covid disease, I promised myself that I will fight if I would live to come out, to clear my name – I never need someone to miss, I will repeat it as long as I live.”

Domingo threw in the call media, you have interpreted Statements made by him are false. He had long been silent, to accompany two against him in ongoing investigations “with respect”. A statement from him that he wanted to clear up a “misunderstanding”, it was late, and “my words fell into the Void”.

In the course of the MeToo movement had accused women Domingo Attacks. One of the Opera in Los Angeles commissioned the investigation came in March to the conclusion that certain allegations credible. In ten cases, Domingo had been accused of “inappropriate behavior” in the day, it said in the report. Also, a study by the American Association of musical artists (AGMA) had seen allegations of singers confirmed. Domingo was held in October 2019 as head of the Opera in Los Angeles back.